Book Drop

Wilsonville Transit Book Drop photo

Return library books at the library or at the Wilsonville Park & Ride at Wilsonville Transit Center!

As part of an effort to make returns easier, Wilsonville Public Library recently added a new book drop at the Wilsonville Park & Ride at Wilsonville Transit Center (9699 SW Barber Street). The big blue box is conveniently located on the pedestrian walkway between the bus shelters and the WES boarding platform.

Materials belonging to Wilsonville Library (or any public library in Clackamas County) can be returned to the drop, except for oversize items, board games, and equipment from the Library of Things.

Returns are gathered three times a week, and always backdated (so the borrower isn’t fined for the 2-3 days it can take until their returns are checked in).

We’re happy to make your commute a little more productive!