Compost Bucket Giveaway

Funded by the Wilsonville-Metro Community Enhancement Program, this project provides educational workshops and programs on recycling and composting in conjunction with a giveaway of 500 compost buckets for Wilsonville residents.
The 1.3-gallon compost bins are made to place on a kitchen countertop to collect food scraps for composting. The project complements and supports the residential organics solid waste/recycling service through Republic Services.
Coming this October, a series of free educational workshops and classes on composting, recycling, and sustainability will be provided in conjunction with the compost bucket giveaway. After participating in a class or workshop, the attendee will get to take home a compost bucket (limit one bucket per person; must show proof of Wilsonville residency). Compost buckets will also be provided at the Parks & Recreation Admin. Office and the Community Center, Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm, beginning on Monday, October 11 for residents unable to attend the educational programs. Compost Buckets will also be handed out at the Wilsonville Harvest Festival on Saturday, October 16 from 10am to 1pm. See below for upcoming webinars and workshops:
Virtual Webinars:
- Saturday, Oct. 9 | 10am-12pm | Recycling and Composting with Master Recycler, Rob Kappa and Master Gardener, Jack Shorr
- 10 am - 11 am: "Recycling Do's and Don'ts" with Master Recycler, Rob Kappa
- 11am - 12pm: "At Home Composting" with Master Gardener, Jack Shorr
- Zoom Link:
- Saturday, Oct. 23 | 11am-1pm | "Composting, Sustainability, and Recycling, Oh My!" with Master Recycler, Kris LaMar
- 11am - 12pm: Composting--Saving What We Have for What We Need. If you eat or garden--indoors or outdoors--you will have excess organic material which, instead of going into the garbage and then landfills, can help feed the soil and you. This presentation will cover how and what to compost, regardless of whether you have curbside pickup, a backyard space, or hungry worms.
- 12pm-1pm: Sustainability on an Individual Level. Each of us can make daily decisions which--when multiplied by billions of humans--can help keep the planet healthy and alive. This presentation will offer suggestions about putting your words into action, and how small everyday steps can return the things we use to reuse elsewhere
- Bio: Kris LaMar has been a Master Recycler and Master Gardener since 2013. She coordinates the Clackamas County Extension Speakers Guild, and writes and speaks on environmental topics. In her past life, she was an attorney and a Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge, but now judges only her landscape.
- Zoom Link:
- Buckets will be available at the Wilsonville Public Library from 2pm - 5pm on Oct. 23
Vermicomposting 101 Class (in person)
Story Time with the Library at the Stein Boozier Barn
- Thursday, Oct. 14 | 10:30am-11am | Compost Themed Story Time event with the Wilsonville Library
- Stein-Boozier Barn, Murase Plaza, Wilsonville (the barn is not heated, please dress for the weather)
- Buckets will be available at the Wilsonville Public Library from 10am-3pm on Oct. 14