WERK Day 2022

Calendar Date:
Saturday, April 30, 2022 - 9:00am to 11:30am


Meet at the Community Center.  Work will begin at 9:00 AM and last until 11:30 AM. More details to come soon. 

WERK (Wilsonville Environmental Resource Keepers) Day is an annual event that draws over 300 volunteers for a variety of park projects. Each year the projects differ but are typically focused within Memorial Park. 

*Participants under the age of 18 will need a parent/guardian signature to participate.

** Please wear long pants, closed toe shoes, and bring gloves and water.


Projects have included: 

Painting the soccer goals
Placing bark chips on trails
Rebuilding areas of trails that have eroded
Removing ivy, holly, blackberry, and other invasive species
Sanding and painting picnic tables
A variety of others


Title Attachments
WERK Day Volunteer Form