Learn English

English as a Second Language


Intermediate English

Join us for free English classes at the library on Tuesday mornings, from 10-11:30am. Informal class setting. This is an intermediate English class, but anyone wanting to improve their English may attend. Drop in!

  • Ages: High School through Adult
  • Tuesday mornings 
  • Time: 10-11:30am 
  • Location: Rose Room
  • Fee: No charge
  • Ongoing


The library's English conversation groups are on pause for now. 
Los grupos de conversación en inglés de la biblioteca están en pausa para el momento.

FREE ENGLISH CLASSES in wilsonville / clases de ingles en la escuela secundaria

Do you live in the West Linn/Wilsonville area? You are welcome to attend the free English class series held at the Wilsonville High School. Find more information on their Family Empowerment Center website or contact Maria Horton by email or at (503)-673-7690 to register. 

Si vive en West Linn/Wilsonville, puede asistir a los clases de inglés en la escuela secundaria de Wilsonville. Para aprender más por favor contacte María Horton por teléfono o correo electrónico a hortonm@wlwv.k12.or.us o 503-673-7690 para inscribirse.

FIND ENGLISH CLASSES / buscar otros clases de ingles

Search the Portland ESL Network for additional English classes and conversation groups in the Portland Metro area.

ESL Classes Available at Clackamas Community College

There are many English classes at the main Clackamas Community College campus in Oregon City. Classes meet in the morning and cost $20 or $40 per term. All ESL classes are taught by trained, professional instructors. Classes are fun and participatory, with lots of conversation. For more information, please contact the College:


You may access Citizenship self-study materials and resources online, and check USCIS.gov for announcements regarding field office closures and rescheduling appointments. SOAR recommends the following free online citizenship courses: