City Council Formally Supports ODOT Plan to Add Auxiliary Lane to New I-5 Boone Bridge

October 22, 2024 — At the October 21, 2024, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council,  the Council advanced the I-5 Boone Bridge Replacement Project by approving the Oregon Department of Transportation’s Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities (CFEC) Enhanced Investment Scenario Review Report and requesting an “authorization report” in support of a new southbound auxiliary lane extending from the Wilsonville Rd. on-ramp past Miley Rd. to the State Highway 551 interchange exit.

On second reading, the Council adopted an ordinance vacating 0.35 acres of public right-of-way within the 27-acre OrePac Building Products property in Old Town, as the property is no longer needed by the City to facilitate a connection to Kinsman Rd.  Additionally, the Council adopted a zone map amendment to support Planned Development Industrial (PDI) land use at the OrePac property for any future site improvements, consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan.

During Mayor’s Business, Mayor Julie Fitzgerald noted several recent and upcoming events, including a Veterans Day Ceremony on Nov. 11, and the annual Leaf Drop Day on Nov. 23.  

During Councilor Comments, Council President Kristin Akervall encouraged parents of young children to take a survey developed by the City-appointed Wilsonville Childcare Providers Consortium to help understand barriers to available and affordable childcare.

At a work session held prior to the meeting, Planning staff and consultants provided an update on the Wilsonville Industrial Land Readiness (WILR) project, which guides and supports the eventual growth of high-quality industry and economic opportunity in the Basalt Creek and West Railroad planning areas north of city limits. The Council’s input will inform economic development strategies, Code revisions, and infrastructure funding planning that the City may undertake to catalyze future industrial development.

Planning and Engineering staff shared a draft Infrastructure Funding Plan that supports the Frog Pond East and South Master Plan by identifying funding strategies for road, sewer, storm, water, park, and trail projects adopted in the Master Plan. The Funding Plan, which provides a recommended overarching strategy but does not provide details of financing for individual projects or developments, is scheduled for consideration of adoption on Nov. 18.

Administration staff shared a summary of the draft Solid Waste Collection Rate Report, an analysis of local waste-collection expenses and revenues completed annually to determine waste and recycling rates for the following year. The report, established with franchise hauler Republic Services, recommends a small increase in collection rates for residential and commercial service effective Jan. 1, 2025.

The Nov. 4 meeting of the City Council has been canceled. The next scheduled meeting takes place on Monday, Oct. 18, at 7 pm; a pre-meeting work session is scheduled at 5 pm.

Community members can watch all City Council meetings on cable (Xfinity Ch. 30, Ziply Ch. 32) or on the City’s YouTube channel:

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