Housing Our Future Task Force

The Housing Our Future project will build on prior work to assess the City’s housing needs over the next 20 years and determine what actions the City can take to help meet them. The project’s goal is to identify policies and actions to chart the course for a future where Wilsonville’s housing remains attainable and sustainable.

To guide development of policies and actions for the project, in May 2024 the City appointed the Housing Our Future Task Force, composed of people involved in real estate development (nonprofit and for profit), organizations with existing industry knowledge and experience around housing and housing development, and other non-profit service providers working in the Wilsonville community. The task force is expected to meet five times throughout the course of the project, and, after reviewing technical information on housing capacity, demand, and need, along with public input, will provide recommendations to Planning Commission and City Council on policies and actions for consideration in the project’s Housing Production Strategy.

Please visit the Housing Our Future project webpage or Let’s Talk, Wilsonville! for more information on upcoming task force meetings.


Task Force Roster

Councilor Katie Dunwell, Wilsonville City Council

Commissioner Jennifer Willard, Wilsonville Planning Commission

Diane Imel, Wilsonville Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

Chris Aiosa, Housing Authority of Clackamas County

Trell Anderson, Northwest Housing Alternatives      

Ana Bozich, Pahlisch Homes  

Thea Chroman, Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development        

Leigh Crosby, Wilsonville Community Sharing          

Robert Gibson, Palindrome

Erik Pattison, Network for Oregon Affordable Housing        

Samuel Goldberg, Fair Housing Council of Oregon   

Maria Vargas, Latino Network