Public Records
What is a public record?
Under ORS 192.314 "every person" has a right to inspect any public record of a public body in this state, except as otherwise expressly provided by ORS 192.338 (Exempt and nonexempt public record to be separated), 192.345 (Public records conditionally exempt from disclosure) and 192.355 (Public records exempt from disclosure).
According to ORS 192.005 a public record means any information that (A) is prepared, owned, used or retained by a state agency or political subdivision; (B) relates to an activity, transaction or function of a state agency or political subdivision; and (C) is necessary to satisfy the fiscal, legal, administrative or historical policies, requirements or needs of the state agency or political subdivision.
How soon must the City respond to a request for public records?
A public body shall complete its response to a written public records request that is received by an individual identified in the public body’s procedure described in ORS 192.324 (Copies or inspection of public records) as soon as practicable and without unreasonable delay. Typically persons making a records request will receive an acknowledgment of their request within two business days.
What public records are exempt from disclosure?
The Public Records Law is primarily a disclosure law, not a confidentiality law, according to the Attorney General’s Public Records and Meetings Manual. Under Oregon law, a public body is ordinarily free to disclose a record or information even if an exemption applies to that record or information. But there are some categories of records and information that public bodies are legally prohibited from disclosing or that they may disclose only to specified entities or in specified circumstances.
What can the City charge for providing copies of public records?
Reasonable fees may be charged for the time it takes staff to fulfill requests including, but not limited, to, compiling, copying, researching, locating, and/or reviewing public records for exemptions.
How do I make a Public Records Request?
You can request public records by:
Option #1: Complete the Public Records Request Online Form
Option #2: Complete the PDF Form below, then do one of the following:
- Email the form to
- Mail the form or bring it to:
City Recorder’s Office
29799 SW Town Center Loop East
Wilsonville, OR 97070
- Fax the request to 503-682-1015