City Council Report for July 7, 2016
On July 7, 2016, the Wilsonville City Council approved two resolutions related to funding and operating a proposed recreation and aquatic center in Wilsonville. The first resolution approved by City Council places a ballot measure on the November ballot asking Wilsonville voters to consider issuing General Obligation Bonds in the amount not to exceed $35 million to finance the design and construction of a recreation and aquatic center. If approved the approximately 80,000 square-foot facility would include community event space, aquatic, athletic, fitness and recreational facilities. A “yes” vote approves the capital bond measure to fund the facility and a “no” vote rejects the bond measure. For more information about the proposed center visit
Later in the meeting the City Council also approved a resolution selecting Sports Facilities Management (SFM), LLC as the preferred operator to manage the proposed recreation and aquatic center if, and when the facility is approved and constructed. The firm was selected based on a Request for Proposal (RFP) selection process that included interviewing four different organizations who responded to the City’s recent solicitation. Among the responders was a proposal from the City of Wilsonville to operate the facility, but reviewers deemed the City’s proposal was not the best alternative. The proposed partnership with SFM to operate the facility is subject to voter-approval of the capital bond measure to be voted on in November and requires the successful negotiation of a final agreement with the City. SFM is a Florida–based firm that specializes in managing and operating recreation and aquatic centers throughout the United States. SFM’s proposal also includes management services to be offered through a sub-contract with by Counsilman Hunsaker, a firm based in St Louis, Missouri that has extensive expertise in operating aquatic facilities throughout the United States.
The City Council also approved a second ballot measure title for the November election that asks Wilsonville voters to consider whether or not the City should continue the current ban on operating Marijuana-related facilities located in the City of Wilsonville. A “yes” vote continues the ban on marijuana facilities in Wilsonville and a “no” vote removes the ban.
The Council also approved a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a purchase and sale agreement with Washington County for 7.58 acres on SW Boberg Road to become the Public Works new office, storage and equipment yard. The City is purchasing the land from Washington County for $1,766,000. The Public Works Department is currently co-located with the Police Department at 30000 SW Town Center Loop E in a building that does not provide adequate space for both functions. The long-term plan after Public Works moves to a new facility is for the existing building, located across from Murase Plaza, to be remodeled for the use by the Police Department.
Related to the property purchase, the City Council approved two resolutions authorizing five-year capital interfund loans from the Water Fund to the Stormwater Capital Fund ($500,000) and the Street Capital Fund ($400,000). The internal loans are to be used in part to purchase the site that is proposed to be the City’s new Public Works facility. This approach allows the City to reduce borrowing and financing costs without lowering the City’s investment returns.
During Mayor’s Business, the Council approved a standard one-year employment contract extension for City Manager Bryan Cosgrove and appointed Miriam Pinoli to a four-year term on the Wilsonville Library Board ending June 30, 2020.
The City Council continued a resolution pertaining to a construction contract with Polygon Homes NW to build the Tooze Road Storm Sewer Project and the future Tooze Road Improvement Project until the Council’s July 18 meeting.
Prior to the regular meeting during the work session, the City Council heard reports and discussed a variety of other subjects, including an update on the Wilsonville/Kinsman Truck Turning Update and discussed future transportation projects and funding strategies.