Planners Hosting Design Workshop, Other Outreach to Inform Frog Pond East and South Master Plan
May 4, 2022 - The City’s Planning Department is developing a Master Plan for future Wilsonville neighborhoods east of Stafford Rd., and is seeking to hear from a broad cross-section of Wilsonville residents to inform the look and feel of the city’s next great neighborhoods.
The Frog Pond East and South Master Plan establishes the area’s framework by identifying the types and locations of the homes, parks, open spaces, streets, trails and neighborhood amenities to be built over the next 10-20 years. The extensive process also identifies water, sewer, storm water, and transportation infrastructure needs and funding sources.
To ensure this Master Plan effectively serves the community’s needs, Planners are inviting community stakeholders to participate in any of several scheduled planning activities taking place this month.
Community Design Workshop: On Thursday, May 12, at 6 pm, Planners are hosting a fun, informative workshop (virtually via Zoom) to share details about how planning decisions are made, and to gather feedback from participants on preferred home types, neighborhood amenities, home styles, parks and other elements.
- Join via Zoom (at 6 pm on May 12)
Renter Focus Groups: On Wednesday, May 11 (5:30 pm) and Friday, May 13 (noon), the City is hosting two small focus groups to hear directly from people who are currently renting homes/apartments in or near Wilsonville. Planners are seeking to learn more about what types of housing is most desired by renters, and what amenities most contribute to great neighborhoods. Participants receive a $40 VISA gift card. Pre-registration is required, and space is limited.
- Pre-register for May 11 event, 5:30-7 pm
- Pre-register for May 13 event, noon-1:30 pm
Survey: Planners recognize that many community members are unable to attend these events. At the City’s engagement site,, Planners will be conducting a brief survey this month to gather additional information about the desired home types and amenities preferred by residents. Visit
The Frog Pond East and South Master Plan is to be informed by public outreach as well as an analysis of area housing trends and existing inventory in order to ensure the development of neighborhoods that meet the community’s future needs and provide home-buying opportunities for a broad cross-section of people who wish to live in Wilsonville.
More opportunities for public input are to be provided later this year, as a draft plan begins to take shape. The plan is scheduled to be adopted by City Council in late 2022, and is to serve as the official guiding document for the future development of the Frog Pond East and South neighborhoods.
For more information on the City’s development of the Frog Pond East & South Master Plan, contact Dan Pauly, Planning Manager, at 503-570-1536 or or Georgia McAlister, Assistant Planner at 503-570-1573 or .
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