Water Curtailment Notice No Longer in Effect for Wilsonville, Sherwood
August 3, 2022 — A voluntary water curtailment notice previously issued by the cities of Wilsonville and Sherwood on Saturday, July 30, is no longer in effect. There are no restrictions on water usage in either community.
A water transmission pump at the Willamette River Water Treatment Plant (WRWTP) that failed just after 11:30 pm on Friday, July 29, is now back in operation. Earlier today, a field engineer replaced a short-circuited power component with a new component that was priority-shipped to the Plant this week.
“We appreciate the considerable efforts taken by Wilsonville and Sherwood to conserve water, and the quick work by Veolia’s staff at the Water Treatment Plant to bring the system back to full-service capacity,” said Jeanna Troha, Wilsonville’s Acting City Manager.
Because the pump failure jeopardized the Plant’s ability to effectively met highest demand, the curtailment order was issued on Saturday out of an abundance of caution. The notice proved effective at limiting demand, as daily consumption dropped from an average of 10.4 million gallons per day (mgpd) in the five days pre-curtailment to 8.4 mgpd in the first three full days after the notice was issued.
For more information, visit sherwoodoregon.gov or ci.wilsonville.or.us.
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