System Development Charges - SDCs - Estimate Fees SDC Calculator

The City of Wilsonville collects System Development Charges (SDC) to help finance growth-related improvements. SDC fees are one-time charges to new customers, which fund new utility system (extra-capacity) expansions needed to serve new customers. SDC fees are also collected to reimburse the City for existing systems facilities already constructed with unused capacity.  


SDC Resolutions and Ordinances

City Code Chapter 11 (Fees)


Chris Neamtzu, AICP , Community Development Director 

Additional Fee Information: 

If the project is modified during review or construction, additional fees may apply and are due when the revised plans are approved and issued. For more information about SDCs or how they affect your development contact or City Hall 503-682-4960.  

All fees listed on the SDC fee schedule are applicable to New Construction including and not limited to School Tax, Metro Tax, Sewer Permit fee, Driveway Fee, Design Review Fee, etc. , Villebois and Frog Pond Developments have additional fees not listed on the SDC fee schedule.  For more information please contact

Single Family Current Average SDC Cost: $52,576.00 (this cost includes a 5/8" Water Meter) *(This cost does not reflect the additional development permit fees and if applicable, other subdivision specific fees.  See SDC Fee Schedule).

Current Frog Pond West Infrastructure Fee $34,690.00  -  Resolution 2649.

INCREASE - Frog Pond West Infrastructure Fee effective 1-15-2025: $36,090.00 

SDC Charges Fee Schedule & New Development SDC Estimator Calculator

Disclaimer:  City staff will review and preliminary approve the SDC Estimate Calculator submitted by the Applicant but makes no representation or warranty that the information provided by the Applicant to make the estimated calculation was true, complete or correct.  Approval of the SDC Estimate Calculator shall not to be construed as any representation by City staff as to what the actual SDC Fee will be.  The SDC calculator uses Macros that may be disabled in Office365 unless the website is added as a trusted site before downloading. Instructions are below.