June 20, 2024 — At the June 17, 2024, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council approved a $10.2 million contract with Tapani, Inc., to complete construction of the West Side Level B Reservoir and Tooze Road Transmission Main. When complete, the reservoir adds 3 million gallons of additional storage capacity to Wilsonville’s water system to support planned growth, as identified in the 2012 Water System Master Plan.
Planning Commission:
On Wednesday, July 10, 2024, beginning at 6 pm, the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the Frog Pond East and South Implementation - Development Code, and will consider whether to recommend to City Council adoption of the proposed Code amendments.
You will not receive another mailed notice unless you: submit a request in writing or by phone, or submit testimony or sign-in at the hearing.
City Council: ...
June 10, 2024— Three seats on Wilsonville’s five-member City Council will be contested during the general election to be held on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024. The current terms of Mayor Julie Fitzgerald, City Council President Kristin Akervall, and Councilor Joann Linville expire on Dec. 31, 2024.
All Wilsonville City Council positions are non-partisan and at large. Elected members serve four-year terms. To qualify as a candidate, an individual must be a registered voter who has lived within Wilsonville city limits for at least 12 months prior to Election Day.
June 5, 2024 — Through its two annual grant programs, the City of Wilsonville recently awarded more than $30,000 in funding to support local programs, events and attractions that bring the community together and attract visitors to Wilsonville.
Each year, the Community Cultural Events and Programs (CCEP) Grant provides up to $25,000 from the City’s general fund to spark participation in local cultural programming. The program supports local non-profits in the development of projects, programs, and/or events that promote arts, culture, history and heritage as well as local festivals and community events.
June 4, 2024 — At the June 3, 2024, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council adopted the City’s budget for the upcoming 2024-25 fiscal year, which begins on July 1.
The all-funds budget of $257.8 million, approved and forwarded for the Council’s consideration by the Budget Committee on May 15, was adopted unanimously by the Council. In conjunction, the Council adopted two resolutions that confirm Wilsonville’s eligibility and election to receive state-shared revenues totaling more than $3.1 million, with $870,000 for the General Fund and about $2.24 million of gas-tax revenues for the Road Operating Fund, which funds future City street maintenance.
Frog Pond Neighborhood Park: A proposal for a new neighborhood park in Frog Pond West, located on the south side of SW Brisband Street and east of the new primary school currently under construction. The 2.93-acre park site includes a picnic shelter, a playground for young children, an adult fitness area, a small stage to accommodate community events, a central lawn area, and both paved and unpaved walking paths that weave through existing strands of trees, lawns, and meadows on the site.
The June 2024 edition of the all-city newsletter, The Boones Ferry Messenger, is now available. This monthly publication is mailed to all Wilsonville residents; it includes the following articles:
The June 2024 edition of the Wilsonville Public Library newsletter "Check Out" features articles and information about events at the library throughout the month. Check it out!
May 21, 2024 — At the May 20, 2024, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council adopted a Development and Disposition Agreement (DDA) with Palindrome to construct a 121-unit multi-family development on a 1.3-acre City-owned parcel at the Wilsonville Transit Center.
May 16, 2024 – Wilsonville Parks and Recreation is the recipient of a $550,000 federal grant from the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). The money is to be used toward a project to purchase and install new playground equipment in lower Memorial Park.
Replacing the existing playground is expected to cost about $1.1 million. The City is seeking to procure additional grand funding to cover the remaining cost, but has earmarked money in next year’s budget to move the project forward. It is expected to be completed within two years.
May 7, 2024 — On May 6, 2024, Mayor Julie Fitzgerald delivered a 2024 State of the City address that highlighted many of the critical partnerships that support Wilsonville’s progress. The address noted many several recent successes – including funding for an affordable housing complex at the Wilsonville Transit Center and a Clackamas County-led project to build a roundabout at the 65th Ave./Elligsen Rd./Stafford Rd. intersection – as well as challenges and opportunities awaiting the City in the year ahead.
The May 2024 edition of the all-city newsletter, The Boones Ferry Messenger, is now available. This monthly publication is mailed to all Wilsonville residents; it includes the following articles:
The May 2024 edition of the Wilsonville Public Library newsletter "Check Out" features articles and information about events at the library throughout the month. Check it out!
City Staff Provides Clarification on Role of DRB, City Council with Regard to Wilsonville Town Center Land Use Applications
April 23, 2024 – With public discussion about the possibility of a Home Depot being located in the Wilsonville Town Center, the City Attorney sought today to provide clarification regarding the relevant land use questions before the Development Review Board (DRB) and City Council.
April 16, 2024 — On April 15, 2024, the Wilsonville City Council affirmed Development Review Board (Panel B) Resolution 429. The application before the Development Review Board (DRB) requested a Class I review to determine that there is an existing non-conforming use for the property located at 29400 SW Town Center Loop West. The DRB found that the non-conforming use, established on June 5, 2019, is a 159,400-square-foot electronics-related retail use. While the applicant is Home Depot, the decision was limited to a determination of existing non-conformance only, based on applicable state law and City Code, and there was not an application considered for the development of a Home Depot project.
April 15, 2024 – For the 26th straight year, the City of Wilsonville has achieved “Tree City USA,” a designation bestowed by the Arbor Day Foundation that reflects Wilsonville’s continued commitment to maintaining and promoting its urban forest.
To earn the coveted Tree City USA designation, a City must have a comprehensive urban forestry program consisting of a tree ordinance, a City department responsible for trees, an annual community forestry budget of at least $2 per capita and an annual Arbor Day observance and proclamation.
“The Tree City USA designation is a badge of honor that we always wear proudly,” said Community Development Director Chris Neamtzu. “It’s a wonderful, symbolic reminder of our ongoing commitment to always be working to grow and protect Wilsonville’s trees.”
April 8, 2024 – Every two years, the City provides Wilsonville residents with the opportunity to participate in a broad survey to gauge their satisfaction and attitudes about their quality of life in Wilsonville.
The 2024 National Community Survey is now underway. Between now and April 19, an online survey is open to all residents.
In partnership with Polco, the City has conducted the National Community Survey every two years since 2012 to gauge the community’s satisfaction. Survey participants are asked to evaluate the quality of many City services and amenities, and to generally assess their quality of life in Wilsonville.
Boberg Industrial Building Expansion: A proposal for the expansion of the Boberg Industrial Building located at 28395 SW Boberg Road. The proposal includes addition of a one-story 9,540-square-foot industrial warehouse building connected by a breezeway to the existing building, with associated landscaping and other site improvements.
An appeal of a portion of Development Review Board Resolution No. 429, A Resolution Affirming the Planning Director’s Determination of Non-Conformance in Case File ADMN23-0029 and Denying the Applicant’s Appeal DB24-0002 has been filed by Appellant Dan Zoldak of Lars Anderson & Associates, Inc. A meeting of the City Council to consider Appellant’s appeal will be held on April 3, 2024 at 7 pm in the Council Chambers at Wilsonville City Hall, located at 29799 SW Town Center Loop East, Wilsonville, OR 97070 and online via Zoom at: The appeal proceeding before the City Council will be on the unredacted Development Review Board record only, meaning no new evidence or testimony will be accepted. Appellant’s appeal consists of the following challenges to the Development Review Board’s decision:
April 2, 2024 — On April 1, 2024, The Wilsonville City Council, on first reading, adopted the 2024 Stormwater Master Plan as a sub-element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The Stormwater Plan, last updated in 2012, identifies 15 short- and long-term capital projects to meet current and future storm drainage infrastructure needs over the 20-year planning period. Community members can review the plan and provide comment before second reading at “Let’s Talk, Wilsonville!”
To deliver renovations at the Police Building aimed at increasing overall efficiency, security and customer service, the Council approved a $210,000 contract with Woodburn Construction CM/GC, LLC.
Public notice is hereby given that the Wilsonville City Council will conduct a public hearing on, May 6, 2024, 7:00 pm at City Hall, 29799 SW Town Center Loop East, Wilsonville, Oregon.
The purpose of this public hearing is to consider public testimony on a proposed Ordinance No. 891 entitled:
Ordinance No. 891
An Ordinance Of The City Of Wilsonville Repealing And Replacing Wilsonville Code Sections 2.310-2.319 Regarding Public Contracts.
April 1, 2024 — The City of Wilsonville and Republic Services are hosting a Bulky Waste Day event on Saturday, May 11, 9 am-1 pm, at Republic Services (10295 SW Ridder Rd.) in Wilsonville.
Twice annually, Bulky Waste Day provides an opportunity for Wilsonville residents to dispose of large or unusual items that cannot be picked up curbside. Proof of Wilsonville residence is required.
In lieu of charging a drop-off fee, the City asks participants to make cash/check donations to Wilsonville Community Sharing, which operates the local food bank and provides critical assistance to local families in need. Donations may to be dropped upon entry.
The April 2024 edition of the all-city newsletter, The Boones Ferry Messenger, is now available. This monthly publication is mailed to all Wilsonville residents; it includes the following articles:
March 26, 2024 — The Wilsonville Parks and Recreation Department is now accepting applicants for the Community Opportunity Grant, which provides funding for local organizations to support a wide array of projects that benefit community groups, residents and visitors to Wilsonville.
Each year, the Community Opportunity Grant Program allocates $25,000 funding from the City’s general fund to support a wide range of local programs and projects that promote education, diversity, arts or community involvement and/or programs that benefit youth or older adults. Program funds are disbursed twice yearly, each spring and fall.
March 25, 2024 — The City of Wilsonville is recruiting applicants interested in serving on the City boards and commissions that provide guidance and oversight of City programs.
New terms begin in July 2024 for eight open seats on four City boards. Members typically attend evening meetings (no more than once a month) and assist in making policy recommendations to the City Council.