The November 2024 edition of the Wilsonville Public Library newsletter "Check Out" features articles and information about events at the library throughout the month. Check it out!
October 22, 2024 — At the October 21, 2024, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council advanced the I-5 Boone Bridge Replacement Project by approving the Oregon Department of Transportation’s Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities (CFEC) Enhanced Investment Scenario Review Report and requesting an “authorization report” in support of a new southbound auxiliary lane extending from the Wilsonville Rd. on-ramp past Miley Rd. to the State Highway 551 interchange exit.
October 8, 2024— At the October 7, 2024, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council approved a contract with Andersen Pacific, Inc., to address failing components within the City’s popular water features at Town Center Park and Murase Plaza in order to ensure these amenities remain operational. The first phase of the project updates the mechanical infrastructure of the Murase Plaza features; future phases provide on-call support to limit downtimes and replace outdated components at Town Center.
October 3, 2024 — The City of Wilsonville is recruiting applicants with an interest in serving on the City boards and commissions that provide guidance and oversight of several City programs.
New terms begin in January 2025 for 25 open seats on six City boards. Members typically attend evening meetings (no more than once a month) and assist in making policy recommendations to the City Council.
The October 2024 edition of the all-city newsletter, The Boones Ferry Messenger, is now available. This monthly publication is mailed to all Wilsonville residents; it includes the following articles:
The October 2024 edition of the Wilsonville Public Library newsletter "Check Out" features articles and information about events at the library throughout the month. Check it out!
Frog Pond Ridgecrest 28-Lot Residential Subdivision: A proposal for annexation to the City of Wilsonville and rezoning of approximately 9.00 acres and development plans for a 28-lot residential subdivision located at 7400 SW Frog Pond Lane.
September 17, 2024 — At the September 16, 2024, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council adopted an amendment to the 2019 intergovernmental agreement with Tualatin Valley Water District (TVWD) and the Willamette Water Supply System Commission. A revised project timeline for the Raw Water Facilities Project, part of a 26-mile-long water pipeline from Wilsonville to serve Hillsboro, Beaverton and TVWD customers, is requiring a six-month extension of the project’s completion date to June 30, 2025.
Following a public hearing previously held on Sept. 5, the Council approved, on second reading, codifying the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee as a standing committee in Wilsonville Code, thereby strengthening the City’s commitment to work advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility and belonging.
September 6, 2024 — At the September 5, 2024, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council approved a $670,000 contract with Musco Athletic Lighting for the purchase and installation of new lighting at the Memorial Park athletic fields as outlined in the Memorial Park Master Plan. In this first phase of a multi-year project to add or replace lighting at the park’s five athletic fields, the City is replacing 30-year-old lighting on field 4, and installing lighting on field five. The park’s new LED lighting is to be installed on metal poles to increase its lifespan.
September 5, 2024 — The City and Republic Services are hosting the annual fall Bulky Waste Day collection on Saturday, Oct. 5, 9 am -1 pm, at Republic Services' (10295 SW Ridder Rd.) in Wilsonville.
Bulky Waste Day is held twice each year for Wilsonville residents to dispose of large or unusual items that cannot be picked up curbside. Proof of Wilsonville residence is required to participate.
SMART Yard Expansion: A proposal for development of a 30,730 square foot yard expansion, including a new 1,800 square foot wash building at the SMART Facility located at 28879 SW Boberg Road.
The September 2024 edition of the all-city newsletter, The Boones Ferry Messenger, is now available. This monthly publication is mailed to all Wilsonville residents; it includes the following articles:
Lamborghini Dealership: A proposal for development of a 37,508 SF Lamborghini Dealership and associated site improvements including a small parking area and natural resource mitigation located at 25239 SW Parkway Avenue.
August 26, 2024 — A ceremonial ground-breaking event took place this morning at the Wilsonville Transit Center, signaling the beginning of a public-private partnership to build 121 units of critically-needed affordable housing in Wilsonville.
In partnership with Metro, Clackamas County, and developer Palindrome, the City of Wilsonville is leading this significant “transit-oriented development” project to help mitigate a State housing crisis and address homelessness by providing new homes in Wilsonville that are conveniently located near South Metro Area Regional Transit (aka SMART) and TriMet’s Westside Express Service (WES) commuter rail.
The September 2024 edition of the Wilsonville Public Library newsletter "Check Out" features articles and information about events at the library throughout the month. Check it out!
OrePac Site Improvements: A proposal for lot line adjustment, rezoning of approximately 8.66 acres, vacation of approximately 0.35 acre of right-of-way, and site improvements, including a parking area, stormwater facilities, and associated landscaping, at the OrePac properties located at 30160 & 30170 SW OrePac Avenue, 30445 SW Boones Ferry Road, and 9655 SW 5th Street.
August 12, 2024 — The City of Wilsonville’s Parks and Recreation Department has secured two new grants, totaling $1.1 million, that entirely fund the cost of an upcoming project to replace playground equipment at lower Memorial Park.
Both grants — $550,000 each from both the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and the Local Government Grant Program (LGGP) — are programs administered by Oregon State Parks.
August 9, 2024 – The City of Wilsonville is collaborating with Shred Northwest to allow residents and small business operators to safely dispose of sensitive paper documents. The City’s annual paper-shredding event takes place on Saturday, Oct. 5, from 9 am to 2 pm at the City Hall parking lot (29799 SW Town Center Loop E.)
While the City provides this shredding service at no charge, participants are encouraged to make an on-site donations (cash, check or Venmo) to Wilsonville Community Sharing, which operates the local food bank and provides social services for community members in need.
August 6, 2024 — At the Aug. 5, 2024, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council continued, until Nov. 18, a public hearing to consider amendments to the City’s development and nuisance code. These amendments, which advance the Frog Pond East and South Master Plan adopted by the Council in 2022, are to be reviewed by the City’s Planning Commission on Oct. 9 before being brought to Council for consideration of adoption.
The August 2024 edition of the all-city newsletter, The Boones Ferry Messenger, is now available. This monthly publication is mailed to all Wilsonville residents; it includes the following articles:
The August 2024 edition of the Wilsonville Public Library newsletter "Check Out" features articles and information about events at the library throughout the month. Check it out!
July 17, 2024 — At the July 15, 2024, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council adopted the City’s new three-year collective bargaining agreements with the Wilsonville Municipal Employees Association (WilMEA), American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Local 7070, and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).
During Mayor’s Business, Mayor Julie Fitzgerald recommended the appointment of Aaron Harris to a two-year term on the Arts, Culture, and Heritage Commission. The appointment was confirmed by a vote of the City Council.
Council members encouraged residents to seek out accurate, first-hand information about City projects and programs, noting a recent proliferation of commentary on community Facebook groups that contained misleading and/or inaccurate information.
Due to the Excessive Heat Warning for this week, the library will be open the following expanded hours:
- Monday, July 8, 2024: 10am-9pm
- Tuesday, July 9, 2024: 10am-9pm
Limited library services, including browsing the stacks, computer use, and checking out of library items, will be available.
For the City of Wilsonville's Extreme Weather Resource Guide, please visit the City of Wilsonville website.
To renew items, select "My Account" on the Library website or call the automated phone service at 503-659-8634.
The July 2024 edition of the all-city newsletter, The Boones Ferry Messenger, is now available. This monthly publication is mailed to all Wilsonville residents; it includes the following articles:
The July 2024 edition of the Wilsonville Public Library newsletter "Check Out" features articles and information about events at the library throughout the month. Check it out!