French Prairie Bridge Project Committees & Partners
The Wilsonville City Council is responsible for making key decisions about the bridge landing points and bridge type. Two advisory committees are supporting the decision-making process: a stakeholder task force and a technical advisory committee. Day-to-day management of the project is handled by a Project Management Team.
The City Council and the project committees are seeking input from community members to inform their recommendations and decisions.
Project committees include:
Task Force
The Task Force is providing recommendations to the decision makers (City Council) at key milestones in the planning and design process. The group’s membership provides representation of a wide range of stakeholder values and interests.
Members represent affected neighborhoods and businesses, walking and cycling enthusiasts, local parks and trails interests, tourism associations and emergency service personnel.
Members include:
- Jim Bernard, Clackamas County Board of Commissioners Chair (non-voting member)
- Charlotte Lehan, Wilsonville City Councilor (non-voting member)
- Susie Stevens (Councilmember Lehan’s alternate)
- Jeremy Appt, Wilsonville resident who is a civil engineer
- Heidi Bell, Donald City Manager
- Steve Chinn, Clackamas County resident on south side of Willamette River
- Andrew Harvey, retired Wilsonville resident who is an environmental geologist
- Tony Holt, Charbonneau Country Club President
- Karen Houston, Program Coordinator for FACT Oregon
- Pete Ihrig, West Linn resident and Clackamas County Pedestrian/Bikeway Advisory Committee member
- Douglas Muench, Wilsonville resident, Old Town Neighborhood Association President
- Samara Phelps, Tourism Development Lead with Clackamas County Tourism and Cultural Affairs
- Patricia Rehberg, Wilsonville resident and Wilsonville Wheelers Group Leader
- Michelle Ripple, Wilsonville resident
- Leann Scotch, Wilsonville resident and REI Operation Sales Lead
- Brian Sherrard, Division Chief with Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue
- Simon Springall, Wilsonville resident and City Planning Commissioner
- David Stead, Langdon Farms Golf Club General Manager and Wilsonville Tourism Promotion Committee member
- Steven van Wechel, Wilsonville Old Town Neighborhood resident
- Steve Benson, City Parks and Recreation Advisory Board member
- Ryan Sparks
- Gary Wappes, retired Wilsonville resident
Technical Advisory Committee
The Technical Advisory Committee is providing advice to the Task Force and the Project Management Team on regulatory and technical issues relevant to bridge siting, design, authorization, and funding.
Members represent public agencies and organizations that have technical expertise and/or would have implementation authority.
Members include:
- Chris Neamtzu, City of Wilsonville Planning
- Kerry Rappold, City of Wilsonville Natural Resources
- Tod Blankenship, City of Wilsonville Parks and Recreation
- Nancy Bush, Clackamas County Disaster Management
- Rick Gruen, Clackamas County Parks
- Scott Hoelscher, Clackamas County Planning
- Terry Learfield, Clackamas County Bridge Maintenance
- John Mermin/Anthony Buczek, Metro
- Tom Loynes, National Marine Fisheries Service
- Tom Murtaugh, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Dan Cary, Oregon Department of State Lands
- Tom McConnell, Oregon Department of Transportation
- Robert Tovar, Oregon Department of Transportation
- Andrew Phelps, Oregon Office of Emergency Management
- Carrie Bond, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Project Management Team
The Project Management Team is providing oversight of the project scope, schedule, and budget. The team is composed of staff from the City of Wilsonville, Clackamas County, Oregon Department of Transportation, and consultant team. OBEC Consulting Engineers is leading the consultant team for the project.
- Zach Weigel, City of Wilsonville
- Karen Buehrig, Clackamas County
- Reem Khaki, Oregon Department of Transportation
- Bob Goodrich, OBEC Consulting Engineers
The $1.38 million project is funded through a $1.25 million grant issued through Metro’s Transportation Improvement Program – Regional Flexible Funds – with 10.27% local matching funds provided through the City of Wilsonville’s Parks Systems Development Charges.

City of Wilsonville
The City of Wilsonville is leading the French Prairie Bridge Project. City Community Development, Planning, Engineering and Parks & Recreation staff are all contributing to project development. Additionally, City staff oversees the consultant team working on project design.

Oregon Department of Transportation
Funds for this project were provided as a pass-through grant from the Oregon Department of Transportation. ODOT staff participates in project oversight, in addition to providing feedback during project development.

Project-development funds were issued through Metro’s Transportation Improvement Program, as approved by the Metro Council and Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation. Metro staff will stay engaged throughout project development to provide feedback and contribute to project oversight.

Clackamas County
The south end of the French Prairie Bridge would land outside of the Wilsonville city limits in Clackamas County. County Planning, Engineering, Parks, Disaster Management, and Tourism staff are participating in the project development.